Training Needs and Objectives:This is a specially customized Blended eLearning (BeL) remote online training course for Engineers/Executives. The 7 Basic QC Tools are powerful tools for quality controls and improvements. The participants needed a solid foundation of using these worldwide
Training Needs and Objectives:
This is a specially customized Leadership training program for managers. The client’s organization went through a restructuring with many senior top management staff relocated to another organization. They needed the remaining top management staff fill up
Training Needs and Objectives:
Client wanted a specially customized Teambuilding training program for their executives. In today’s dynamic working environment, more and more executives are expected to work as a team, to collaborate, to tap on the team members’ talents,
Training Needs and Objectives:
Client wanted a specially customized Train-The-Trainer course for those senior employees who need to ‘pass-down’ their technical skill-sets to their juniors. Many of them were already performing the training job, but have no prior training to